Download and unzip packages on the requirement list and copy the plugins folders to your Eclipse folder.
Download Unzip Struts-It package and copy the plugins folder to your Eclipse folder. If you don't have Struts-It, please download here
Goto the plugins folder of your Eclipse, and delete the following files: com.2087g.struts.common_1.0.0.jar, com.2087g.struts.core_1.0.0.jar, com.2087g.struts.tiles.core_1.0.0.jar and com.2087g.struts.ui_1.0.0.jar.
All Struts-It wizards are located under the item named "Struts-It". Access it through menu [File | New | Other].
Struts Project Wizard : Create a web project with Struts capabilities. Web.xml may be updated automatically according to your choices. Fields(Name and Target Server) are required.
Struts Action Wizard : Add an Action element to struts-config.xml and create a new Action class. Fields Type(when neither Forword nor Include Action) and Path are required. Path is invalid if it contains any period(.) and/or starts with multiple slashs(/). If it does not begin with a single slash(/), Struts-It will insert a slash at the beginning.
Struts DataSource Wizard : Create a data source.
Struts Exception Wizard : Create a global or local Exception. Key and Type are required.
Struts Module Wizard : Create a Struts module. After you give a module name, Struts-It fills in the other fields with default values. It add a swichModule action for you and update web.xml automatically. Furthermore, it creates a folder with the module name under WEB-INF folder, where the module-related files such as struts-config.xml, Tiles defination file and so on are stored.
Struts FormBean Wizard : Create a FormBean. You can choose to create either a DynamicActionForm or a non-dynamic one. If a DynamicActionForm is created, Form Properties are saved in the struts-config.xml, otherwise they are used for generating a form class.
Struts Forward Wizard : Create a global or local Forward. If a local Forward is created, the field Action is required. Path can be selected easily through the forword path selection dialog. And, Module field appears only when the project the forward is created for supports Struts 1.2. The module field can be set only through the Combo.
Struts Message Resource Wizard : Create a message resource.
Struts Plugin Wizard : Add a plugin. By default, Struts-It add Tiles and Validator plugins to a new project or a new module.
Struts-config Editor
Struts-config Editor contains two pages: Form and Source. The source page is a normal XML source editor while the form page provides more powerful functionalities that makes view and edit configuration information more easily and quickly. Also, you can open all wizards within the form page to create Struts artifacts(right click elemnts of struts-config).
Add Struts capability to Dynamic Web Project
Struts-It allows you to add Struts capability to a Dynamic Web Project in order for you to use Struts framwork in your existing project.